Saturday, December 8, 2007

"Where Adam and Eve the 1st Humans on Earth?" ~Johnnie

Hello Johnnie,

The short answer is: "Yes!" Genesis 2 is an account of God creating the earth and Adam and Eve. Tell me though, why do you ask? If you have doubts that God could create the world from two people, or other aspects of the beginning of humanity, I can go into further detail. I just don't want to give you a speech without knowing what question you really are asking.

I hope this helps. Please feel free to give me feedback or ask any other questions. If this has had an impact on your view of God or Jesus, please read this article with an open heart and let me know if there's anything more I can do to help you.

Take care, and may God bless your life, that you may be a blessing to others!

1 comment:

yankee said...

a friend at my job asked who was
1st the caveman or adam and eve?