Saturday, December 8, 2007

"Why does God allow evil rulers?" ~R

Hello R,

Thanks again for writing! You ask some very important questions, and I can see that you're in a lot of pain. I can understand your frustrations, and I share them quite a bit. I don't claim to have a 100% answer for you, as I am on this journey of discovery as much as you are, but I'll share what I have seen through my journey, and I hope it helps you. At the same time, I am praying that God reveal Himself to you and bring understanding, or at least comfort through this difficult and painful life. I can tell you that the primary way to persevere through this life is to seek the Creator of all life, discover who He is and what He is like, and to strive to come alongside His grand mission for this world.

Does God have no control over Governments? Why does God allow evil people to get authority?

To answer this first question, yes He does have control. Daniel 2:21 actually says that God has the power to set up kings and despose of them. This 2nd question is much tougher. We cannot completely understand why God takes specific actions, because He is so far beyond us (Isaiah 55:9). It's like trying to know what a puzzle looks like, when you're just one of the pieces. What we do know is that God is good and that He loves us (1 John 4:8). He is willing to allow us to suffer for a time, though, if it means accomplishing something greater.

Common man has to suffer for leaders' mistakes.

There's a great EveryStudent article on Why Do Bad Things Happen. The short of it is: if God took away our ability to do evil in this world, we wouldn't have free will. This doesn't explain natural disasters (there are many very good reasons why God allows temporary suffering to achieve eternal good), but human-incurred evil is a necessary result of free will. If you want to know more about those other ideas about God allowing evil, check out my message to another EveryStudent question: problem of evil.

Why do the wicked flurish, and not the righteous? Will God punish them?

King David struggled through the same feelings throughout the Psalms and Lamentations. Psalm 10 is a great example of this. This passage answers your second question, with David's absolute confidence that God will make things right. Much of the book of Revelation also shows God bringing justice and setting things right. One answer to your first question is that the Devil is Prince of this sinful world (John 14:29-31). Don't worry, though, the devil will not remain in control forever (John 16:11), nor will evil men (Isaiah 24:21).

The question remains, "why doesn't God just kill all evil people?" I believe the answer is found in Matthew 13:24-29; 36-43. Jesus compares evil men to weeds and those who follow Him as wheat, saying they are sown together. The key is verse 29, where God tells the angels not to destroy the weeds for fear of damaging the good plants. God is waiting until all are grown and have had a chance to repent and follow Him. The explanation in 36-43 is another assurance that justice will come to the evil and the righteous when the time is right.

I do not like my life and this bad world, because God has not given me any power or authority, but has given it to the wrong people.

I'm sorry that you are unhappy, my friend! I'm afraid you will always be unhappy if you rely on your worldly circumstances for that happiness. Trust me, I went through all that (see my story for details). True and lasting Joy comes from a right relationship with the one who made us and fulfilling the purpose for which He created us (John 17:4). Phillipians 3:19-21 also explains that we weren't really made for this world, so we shouldn't and probably won't feel at home here.

You have more power than you think, though. Political authority is actually very limited. You have the power to affect the lives of those around you for good or ill. That's incredible power! This is why I chose to work for Campus Crusade for Christ. God has placed me in position to help change the hearts of thousands of college students (many of whom will go on to be major influencers in world government, media, etc). Rather than despairing with the lot God's given you, concentrate on using what He's given (contacts, job, location, resources, time) to do the most good you can. Remember the words of the serenity prayer.

So can you do something for me so that what I want will start to happen?

The point is not for what WE want to happen, but to help fulfill God's mission and plan, that is way bigger than our desires and even our lives. We look for immediate and temporary satisfaction, but God is aiming for eternal goodness and purity. Since we can't even achieve either of these in ourselves apart from Him, we need to trust God to lead us and instruct us in how to bring about His kingdom, and not get hung up on our limited expectations (Proverbs 3:5).

Our job as Christians is to show the world the truth and light by example... to reflect and radiate the love and presence of God, that people may see us and praise God, falling in love and obedience with the Creator of the Universe who also wants to be our Father. To do this, we are not to rebel and topple authorities, as the Jews hoped Jesus would come to do, but to submit to those authorities, knowing that God placed them there during this time (even if we don't understand why) Romans 13:1. Life on this sinful earth is not fair (that's our fault), but this life is a VERY short training ground compared to eternity.

The Bible actually says to pray for those in authority (1 Timothy 2:1-3). We are not fit to judge any other man's heart. When God moves in a person's life, even the worst person can become a mighty servant of the Almighty and All-Loving God.

I hope this helps. Please feel free to give me feedback or ask any other questions.

If any of this has had an impact on your view of God or Jesus, please read this article with an open heart and let me know if there's anything more I can do to help you.

Take care, and may God bless your life, that you may be a blessing to others!

Jeff Grant

God Questions

Original Message

My Greetings to you!

In this world their are people who are corrupt or are enemy of freedom. They want to take or curb individual's personal freedom.

Well I do not understand why God permits such peopleto come into power. Because such people when they get authoritythey misuse their powers. They do not do what they should doinstead they do wrong things. Such person come to serve their own selfish interests or they try to curb the freedom which common man like me enjoy all in the name of morality, values or traditions. They basically do things which is "right" according to them which is usually based upon their upbringing although a significant part of population does not agrees to it at all.They have their own prejudices which are wrong.

Who are these to take away the freedom and decide for a billion people?

So God has no influence, control over such such Governments and Government personnels? Has God left them on their free will?They do wrong thing but common man has to suffer for it.

I wish God to immediately kill them or make them severely sick so they will be forced to step down. God must punish such people. Will God do this?

Instead such people are prospering. God did not save my father but has given them a very long life.

Infact this is also one of the reason I do not like my life and thisbad world. God has not given me any power or authority. But has given itto wrong people.

I have just disapporoved this God created world.

So can you do something for me so that what I want will start to happen?


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