Saturday, December 8, 2007

"Do we see design where there is none?" ~Voltaire

Humans have a natural psychological tendency to see design in natural things. Our brain takes a short-cut: if we see a tiger, we don't waste time analyzing its neural impulses; we assume it's designed to eat us. Our ability to find patterns in the world is unparalleled; it's the reason why, in spite of the fact that I am small and weak and hairless, I can type this message to you at all. Unfortunately, it also leads us astray, making us find patterns in what may be a purely random universe.

You are certainly right that it can taint our objectivity, and that's a danger we all must seek to avoid. We must recognize also, however, that there are many such tendencies that can lead to error in the opposite direction. At the route of all humans is an undeniable source of pride and independence that says, “I’m in charge of my life.” Though it would take some time to cite them properly, I have read many atheist scientists as saying “I don’t believe that God exists because I’m afraid that He does.” Living in NJ, it is easy to see thousands of examples of how people always long to deny God simply so that they are not held accountable to a higher authority. In fact, all other religions offer ultimate control over your life to you. If you make it to the end of this email, I’ll explain more on that, but there’s no use denying that no one can be trusted with objectivity even in scientific research. We look to prove what we wish to be true (whether in the way we do research or the way we interpret results).

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