Saturday, December 8, 2007

"Was Jesus God?" ~Mumuni

Was Jesus God or god?

The Christian claim is that Jesus is God (not just a god), an equal part of the trinity (Father, Son and Spirit).

Then who ruled the world while Jesus was in the womb?

The trinity is a tricky concept. So tricky, in fact, that it is beyond human reason to fully understand while bound to mortality and rooted in time (eternity is similarly beyond us to fully grasp). However, the best I have been able to explain it is to say that the Father, Son and Spirit are three distinct beings but one God at the same time. Some scriptures that depict this concept are:

Genesis 1:26 where God says "let US make man in OUR image" using plural words for describing Himself, but a singular word for "image".
Mark 1:9-11 where all three members of the trinity are present in separate forms.

The term "trinity" is not found in the Bible explicitly, the term was coined in one of the first church councels in the 1st or 2nd century BC, but is clearly demonstrated in Jesus' command to baptize people in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19). It was recognized as complete blasphemy to baptize someone in the name of anyone but God.

Where did Jesus claim to be God?

Jesus never says the phrase "I am God" in the scriptures to my knowledge, but he does very clearly claim to be God on several occassions. My favorite is Mark 2:5-12, where he forgives the paralytic of his sins and is accused of blasphemy because "who can forgive sins but God alone?" Jesus then demonstrates his Godly authority by healing the man. In John 5:18, people are ready to kill Jesus because he was "making himself equal to God."

For more on this, check out this this article.

Where did Jesus say "worship me"?

Jesus never told people to worship him. In fact, He said not to glorify Him, but to give all glory to the Father who sent Him. It is likewise inappropriate to pray to or worship the Holy Spirit. The point is that each aspect of God has a different purpose:

God the Father created us and receives our prayers and all glory
God the Son showed us how to live and died to redeem our relationship with the Father by paying the price for sin
God the Spirit lives inside us, giving us understanding of the scriptures, convicting us of sin, and urging us to become more like Jesus

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