Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Student at Georgian Court becomes a Christian!

In July, we talked about the potential of a new CCC ministry at Georgian Ct University. We are thrilled to announce that we are now up and running, with awesome women as our president and faculty advisor (thanks Katy & Carol!).

We were blessed to host a table at the club fair a few weeks ago, and were overwhelmed by the response: over 90 people filled out surveys, 67 indicating a desire to attend a Bible study, and one young woman prayed to ask Jesus to be her savior and lord!** When people heard we were with Campus Crusade, we got responses like “It’s been a long time coming!” and “Thank goodness you guys are here.” We are so excited that God has blessed this ministry and gotten things off to an amazing start!

**Please pray for Monique, who put her faith in Christ after Karen shared the gospel with her. She has been attending our Bible study and already seems passionate about reaching others for Christ. Pray that she will grow in her faith and be a strong witness for Jesus!

For more news about our ministry, visit

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